Monday 26 October 2009

Sensing cinema: phenomenological film and media studies

Film Studies For Free is using all of its searching senses today to bring you lots of links to perceptive film and media studies of the phenomenological kind, or to studies which at least touch meaningfully on issues of phenomenology, perception, and haptics.

Those especially interested in these topics might also like to experience the fascinating Cinesensory website once they've dipped into some of the wonderful, openly-accessible, scholarly resources below:


Corey Creekmur said...

Frankly not my cup of tea (my psychoanalytic roots run deeper than I am sometimes aware, appropriately). But what at list! I don't think this can be identified as a "minor strain" in film studies any longer!

A Blue Dude said...

Excellent list! You just made my research that much faster! Thanks. :)