Monday 30 July 2012

In Immemory of Chris Marker (1921-2012)

Un monde plus vide et plus triste: Chris Marker n'y est plus.
Jean-Michel Frodon, July 30, 2012

Five years to the day since the deaths of two other legendary filmmakers Michelangelo Antonioni and Ingmar Bergman, and on the day after his 91st birthday, the death of Chris Marker has been announced.

Film Studies For Free is collecting links to Markerian scholarly and related work online in his immemory. So please come back for frequent updates in the hours and days ahead.

Meanwhile, David Hudson is assembling one of his magnificent tributes at the Keyframe Daily website. And the essential archive Notes from the Era of Imperfect Memory -- devoted to Chris Marker's work on the web -- will undoubtedly respond to this sad event, too.

  • IMAGE [and] NARRATIVE special dossier on Marker (Vol. 11, No. 4, 2010): 'Introduction', Peter Kravanja Abstract PDF; 'The Imaginary in the Documentary Image: Chris Marker's Level Five', Christa Blümlinger Abstract PDF; 'Montage, Militancy, Metaphysics: Chris Marker and André Bazin', Sarah Cooper Abstract PDF; 'Statues Also Die - But Their Death is not the Final Word', Matthias De Groof Abstract PDF;  Autour de 1968, en France et ailleurs : Le Fond de l'air était rouge', Sylvain Dreyer Abstract PDF; '“If they don’t see happiness in the picture at least they’ll see the black”: Chris Marker’s Sans Soleil and the Lyotardian Sublime', Sarah French Abstract PDF; 'Crossing Chris: Some Markerian Affinities', Adrian Martin Abstract PDF; 'Petit Cinéma of the World or the Mysteries of Chris Marker', Susana S. Martins Abstract PDF


Anonymous said...

Not to forget: consenus has it that this was Chris Marker's secret youtube channel:

Unknown said...

Thank you for this collection. Also, Sans Soleil is on youtube in its entirety, who knows for how long:

@llull said...

I love that you say you always wanted to be a Borgesian librarian. I am with you!
Daniel aka Blind Librarian,