Film Studies For Free silently but sonorously brings you its list of links to high-quality and freely accessible online scholarly writings pertaining to music, sound, film, video, and television
(last updated 19 May 2009).
- Catherine Grant, '''The "Author Function" in Transnational Film Adaptation: the Case of El lugar sin límites' (Arturo Ripstein, Manuel Puig, José Donoso)'
- Andrew Grossman, 'How to Murder John Williams: Toward an Ideology of Contrapuntal Antirealism'
- Andrew Grossman, 'Finding Unlikely Ideology in Prokofiev: Polyphonic and Anti-Authoritarian Gestures in The Gambler'
- Andrew Grossman, 'False Consonance and False Consciousness: Contrarian Notes on the Ideology of Film Music'
- Amanda Howell, 'Spectacle, masculinity, and music in blaxploitation cinema'
- Randolph Jordan, 'Brakhage’s Silent Legacy for Sound Cinema'
- Randolph Jordan, 'Transcending the Fragmentation of Experience: The acousmêtre on the air in the films of Michael Snow'
- Randolph Jordan, 'The Work of Hildegard Westerkamp in the Films of Gus Van Sant'
- Brett Kashmere, 'Beyond Notes: On Music, Improvisation and Film, and Writing [Brakhage]'
- Brett Kashmere, 'Semi-Random Thoughts about Improvisation, Jazz, and/or (a) Film in No Real Particular Order (Then Again, Maybe So)'
- Anahid Kassabian, 'Songstruck: rethinking identifications in romantic comedies'
- Anahid Kassabian, 'Ubiquitous Listening and Networked Subjectivity'
- Andrew L. Kaye, 'The Film Score and the African Musical Experience: Some comments on a work in progress'
- Victoria Large, Clouds and Scattered Sun: Kelly and Donen's It's Always Fair Weather'
- Jerrold Levinson, 'Film Music and Narrative Agency', in David Bordwell and Noël Carroll (eds.) , Post-Theory (via Google Books)
- William Lawrence McGinney, 'The Whole as a Result of its Parts: Assembly in Aaron Copland's Score for The Red Pony' (e-thesis)
- Brian McMillan, 'Complicitous Critique: Dancer in the Dark as Postmodern Musical'
- Patricia Mellencamp, 'Spectacle and Spectator: Looking Through the American Musical Comedy'
- Miguel Mera, 'Reap What You Sow: "Perfect Day" [Lou Reed, 1973] / Trainspotting' in Matthew Caley and Steve Lannin (eds), Pop Fiction: The Song in Cinema (via Google Books)
- Cory Messenger, 'Act naturally: Elvis Presley, the Beatles and "rocksploitation"'
- Tony Mitchell, 'Minimalist menace: The Necks score The boys'
- Mladen Milicevic, 'Film Sound Beyond Reality: Subjective Sound in Narrative Cinema'
- Niall Moody, 'Motion as the Connection Between Audio and Visuals'
- Scott Murphy, 'The Major Tritone Progression in Recent Hollywood Science Fiction Films'
- Ellen J. Nasto, 'Bernard Herrmann: An Annotated Index of Materials'
- Andrew Patrick Nelson, 'Notes and Thoughts on the use of popular songs in John Hughes Sixteen Candles (1984)' Part One
- Andrew Patrick Nelson, 'Notes and Thoughts on the use of popular songs in John Hughes Sixteen Candles (1984)' Part Two
- David P. Neumeyer, 'Schoenberg at the Movies: Dodecaphony and Film'
- Louis Niebur, 'Review of Kay Dickinson (ed.), Movie Music: The Film Reader'
- Offscreen Journal's 'Favourite Moments of Film Sound': Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind By: Jim Batcho; Patriot Games By: Aden Evens; The Jazz Singer By: Claudia Gorbman ; La Maman et la putain By: André Habib; The Haunting By: Thomas Phillips; Love is the Devil By: Martin Shingler; Stalker By: Donato Totaro; Tati, Hitchcock, Antonioni By: Elisabeth Weis; The Exorcist By: William Whittington ; The Wilhelm Scream By: Benjamin Wright.
- Offscreen Journal's 'Discourses on Diegesis': The Success Story of a Misnomer By: Henry M. Taylor; Diegetic Commentaries By: Martin F. Norden; Constructing the Diegesis in a Multi-Channel World By: Mark Kerins; Does Anybody Hear? By: Randolph Jordan; Acoustics of the Soul By: Randy Thom.
- Offscreen Journal's 'The State of the Art [on integration between sound and image]': Visual Music as Performing Art By: Fred Collopy; Synchronous Form In Visual Music By: Michael Betancourt ; On Sound and Image as a Single Entity By: Barry Spinello
- Ted Pigeon, 'On the Cinema of Music'
- Greg M. Smith, 'Streisand Shops the Museum Store: Consuming Art on Television'
- Jeff Smith 'The edge of seventeen: class, age, and popular music in Richard Linklater's School of Rock'
- Murray Smith, 'Music, Film, and Emotion'
- Robynn J. Stilwell, 'It May Look Like a Living Room…: The Musical Number and
the Sitcom'
- Robynn J. Stilwell, 'Music in Films: A Critical Review of Literature, 1980-1996'
- Randy Thom, 'Designing a Movie for Sound [Soundscape: The School of Sound Lectures 1998-2001]'
- Gordon Thomas, 'Will the Shark Bite? G. W. Pabst and The Threepenny Opera'
- Boris Trbic, 'Norbert [Schultze], We Hardly Knew Ye: Rethinking the Late German Composer'
- Ben Turner, 'Acoustic Ambience in Cinematography: An Exploration of the Descriptive and Emotive Impact of the Aural Environment'
- Alan Vanneman, 'When Fred Met Red: Fred Astaire, Red Skelton, and Vera-Ellen Commingle in Three Little Words'
- Steve Vertlieb, 'Herrmann and Hitchcock: The Torn Curtain'
- Justin Vicari, 'Space Here We Come: P. J. Harvey's Please Leave Quietly Redefines the Concert Film DVD'
- James Wierzbicki, 'Review of Anahid Kassabian: Hearing Film'
- Ken Woodgate, '"Young and in love": music and memory in Leander Haussmann's Sun Alley'
- Bill Wrobel, 'The Nature of Bernard Herrmann's Music'
- Bill Wrobel, 'Herrmann Music in Have Gun Will Travel and Other Classic CBS Television Series'
Further essential resources may be found at
SonicObjects and
USC Thornton Film Composers Know the Score (YouTube video).
Your post contains a lot of very helpful information. I'm glad to find it.
And thanks much for the reference to my analysis of Herrmann's score for "The Day the Earth Stood Still!"
Todd Fiegel
Wow, Catherine! That's quite a list. You've excelled yourself on this one. I'm not sure I'll get chance to read much of it, but I'm glad it's here as a reference guide.
Thanks a lot, Todd and Dan. This list's been in the pipeline for a while. But if anyone knows of any other Open Access essays/e-theses/e-books on film (or TV) music I've missed, so far, I'll be updating the post as I'm alerted to these so please email me or comment. Cheers.
Hi guys, I'm from Germany and searching for essays for a paper I have to write. It's about Music in Silent Films ... There've been alot of good essays - but I haven't actually found one on the Silent Film Era.
Do you have an idea where I could look for stuff like that? That's a topic which is not really well researched :(
Maybe you've got an idea? :)
Thanks, Jana W.
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