Friday, 6 August 2010
Good Fella: Martin Scorsese Studies
Updated August 19, 2010
Ray Liotta
as Henry Hill in
Martin Scorsese
, 1990)
Charlie Rose - An hour with Martin Scorsese
(Persevere beyond the opening few minutes - it's worth it)
Here's a not so little links list that
Film Studies For Free
has been concocting for
tanto tempo
... It's a collection of mostly academic, and all great quality, studies of the work of American filmmaker
Martin Scorsese
, one of the most utterly beloved of all directors among Film Studies undergraduates. And with
The Age of Innocence
among this blog's author's favourite films, who is
to disagree with such intensity?
Suggestions for any high-quality additions to this list would be
Marc Abramson, 'Mountains, Monks and Mandalas: Kundun and Seven Years in Tibet', Cineaste, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, 1998
Daniel Balderston, 'Borges and The Gangs of New York', Variaciones Borgianas, 16, 2003
Bruce Alistair Barber, Trans/actions: Art, Film and Death, PhD Thesis, European Graduate School, August 2005
Todd Berliner, '
Visual Absurdity in Raging Bull', Preprint of Chapter in Raging Bull: A Cambridge Film Handbook. Ed. Kevin Hayes. Cambridge, U.K. and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005
David Bordwell, 'Scorsese, 'pressionist', Observations on Film Art, April 21, 2010
Lenay Breeland, 'A Hieroglyphic World: Representations of Repression in Scorsese’s Age of Innocence', in Fixing a Hole: Bridging the Gap between Text and Performance, State University of West Georgia, 2001
(scroll to p. 21 in PDF)
Aaron V. Burton, Jesus in the Movies: A Rhetorical Analysis of Selected Films from 1912-2004, PhD Thesis, Bowling Green State University, May 2008
Andre Caron, 'Last Temptation of Travis Bickle', Offscreen Journal, September 1997
Robert Castle, 'Average Nobodies: The Dark Knights of
', Bright Lights Film Journal, issue 32, April 2001
James A. Clapp, '‘‘Are You Talking to Me?’’—New York and the Cinema of Urban Alienation', Visual Anthropology, 18, 2005
Adrian Danks, '
Who’s That Knocking at My Door', Senses of Cinema, Issue 54, 2010
Russell E. Davis, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore: Under the comic frosting', from Jump Cut, no. 7, 1975
Jonathan Dawson, 'After Hours', Senses of Cinema, Issue 54, 2010
Rebecca Dawson, And Staring as Jesus Himself: Cultural Context and Images of Christ in North American film, PhD Thesis, Bowling Green State University, August 2007
Carolyn D’Cruz and Glenn D’Cruz, 'The body of Christ: Blasphemy as a necessary transgression?', Negotiating the Sacred II: Blasphemy and sacrilege in the arts, pp. 93-101, ANU E Press, 2008
Christopher Robert Deacy, 'Redemption and Film: Cinema as a Contemporary Site of Religious Activity', WACC Archive, 2001
Cristina Degli-Esposti Reinert, 'Martin Scorsese's Invisible City in Bringing Out the Dead', Film-Philosophy, Vol. 4, No. 12, May 2000
Roger Ebert, 'Introduction', Scorsese by Ebert (University of Chicago Press, 2008)
Rebecca Feasey. 'Stardom and Distinction: Sharon Stone and the Problem of Legitimacy', Scope, May 2004
Christopher Garbowski, 'The Catholic Imagination in Martin Scorsese's The Last Waltz',
Journal of Religion and Film
Vol. 5, No. 2 October 2001
Luis M. García-Mainar, « Contemporary Hollywood Crime Film and the New Individualism », European journal of American studies, 2, 2009
Paul A. Gilje, '
Gangs, the Five Points, and the American Public',
Common-Place, Vol. 3, No. 4, July 2003
Paul E. Graham III, Violence and the Scapegoat in American Film: 1967-1999, PhD Thesis, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, December 2002
Leighton Grist, Authorship and Context: the Films of Martin Scorsese, 1963-1977, PhD Thesis, University of Warwick, 1996
Leighton Grist, 'Masculinity, Violence, Resistance: A New Psychoanalytic Reading of Raging Bull', Atlantis Journal, 29.1, June 2007
Peter Hourigan, 'Scorsese Missing In Action:
Martin Scorsese’s America
by Ellis Cashmore
Hollywood Under Siege: Martin Scorsese, the Religious Right, and the Culture Wars
by Thomas R. Lindlof', Senses of Cinema, Issue 54, 2010
Christine Hoff Kramer, 'Wrestling with Flesh, Wrestling with Spirit: The Painful Consequences of Dualism in The Last Temptation of Christ', Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, Vol. 8, Fall 2004
Peter Hutchings, '[Review of]
A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies b
y Martin Scorsese and Michael Henry Wilson,
London: Faber, 1997',
Scope, August 1999
Matthew J. Iannucci, 'Postmodern Antihero: Capitalism and Heroism in
Taxi Driver
', Bright Lights Film Journal,Issue 47, February 2005
Karyn Kay and Gerald Peary, 'Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore: Waitressing for Warner's',
Jump Cut
, no. 7, 1975
David Kelly, 'Model Citizens: The Irish Films of Martin Scorsese', Australasian Journal of American Studies, Vol. 26, No. 1, July 2007
Tammie Kennedy, '(Re)Presenting Mary Magdalene: A Feminist Reading of The Last Temptation of Christ', Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, Vol. 9, Spring 2005
Robert P Kolker, 'Algebraic Figures: Recalculating the Hitchcock Formula', in Horton, Andrew, and Stuart Y. McDougal, editors
Play It Again, Sam: Retakes on Remakes (
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998)
Robert P. Kolker, 'The Moving Image Reclaimed', Postmodern Culture, 5.1, September 1994
Ekkehard Knörer, "Why Martin Scorsese's "The Departed" does not live up to [...] "Internal Affairs"',, January 2007
Joseph Jon Lanthier, 'Outstanding Defense Mechanisms: The Phrenology of Martin Scorsese’s
Shutter Island
', Bright Lights Film Journal, Issue 68, May 2010
Maximilian Le Cain, 'Orphans of the Storm: Martin Scorsese's Gangs of New York', Senses of Cinema, Issue 25, 2003
Karli Lucas, 'Creative Visions: (De)Constructing “The Beautiful” in Scorsese's The Age of Innocence', Senses of Cinema, Issue 25, 2003
Brian McIlroy, 'Exodus, Arrival & Return: The Generic Discourse of Irish Diasporic and Exilic Narrative Films' [First published in Keeping It Real: Irish Film and Television, eds. Ruth Barton and Harvey O’Brien (London: Wallflower Press, 2004): 69-77
Duncan McLean, 'The Evolution of the Term ‘New Hollywood’, NEO, 2009
Eve L. Mullen, 'Orientalist Commercializations: Tibetan Buddhism in American Popular Film', Journal of Religion and Film, Vol. 2, No. 2 October 1998
Kartik Nair, 'Aura, Auteurism and the Key to Reserva', Widescreen Journal, No. 2, 2010
Josh Nelson, '[Review of] Roger Ebert,
Scorsese by Ebert
. Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 2008', Screening the Past, Issue 26, 2009
Richard Oestreicher, 'How Should Historians Think about ‘The Gangs of New York’?', History Workshop Journal, Issue 56, 2003
Colm O’Shea, 'Review: Thomas R. Lindlof (2008) Hollywood Under Siege: Martin Scorsese, the Religious Right, and the Culture Wars. Lexington, KY: The University Press of Kentucky', Film-Philosophy, 14.1, 2010
Steven Peacock, 'Holding onto moments in
The Age of Innocence'
, Film Studies, Volume 9, Winter 2006
Åke Persson, 'The Mafia in the Drawing Room: Martin Scorsese’s Film Adaptation of Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence', Nordic Journal of English Studies, Vol 7, No 2 (2008)
Linda Petříkova, 'Review: Mark T. Conard (ed.) (2007) The Philosophy of Martin Scorsese Lexington: University Press of Kentucky', Film-Philosophy, 11.3, December 2007
Patrick Phillips, '
Genre, star and auteur critical approaches applied to Martin Scorsese’s New York, New York', in Jill Nelmes' (ed), Introduction to Film Studies, 4th edition (London: Routledge, 2007)
Mark C. Pilkinton, '
The True Temptation of Christ: "To Suffyr temptacion it is grett peyn"', The Journal of Religion and Theatre, Vol. 3, No. 1, Summer 2004
G. Thomas Poe, '
(Beyond) The Pleasures of the Hollywood Musical Film: A Re Viewing of Martin Scorsese's New York, New York', Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism,
Vol. IV, No. 2: Spring 1990
Marc Raymond, 'Martin Scorsese', Senses of Cinema, May 2002
Constanza del Río Álvaro, 'Genre and Fantasy: Melodrama, Horror, and the Gothic in Martin Scorsese’s Cape Fear (1991)', Atlantis Journal, 26.1, June 2004
Wieland Schwanebeck, '
From Shakespeare’s Kings to Scorsese’s Kingpins: Contemporary Mob Movies and the Genre of Tragedy'
, ASPeers, Issue 3, 2010
Martin Scorsese: "Discusses Film-Making" at Princeton University, May 4 1999 (scroll down page for videocast)
Martin Scorsese, 'Pinewood Dialogues', Moving Image Source, November 9, 2002
Kaile Shilling, 'Servant of the Story: Judas as Tragic Hero in Film',
Journal of Religion and Film
. 8 (2): October 2004
Matthew Sorrento, 'Scorsese by Ebert by Roger Ebert', Senses of Cinema, Issue 51, 2009
Katherine Spring, 'After Hours on the Miracle Mile: The Logic of Nightmares in Film', 16:9, No. 11, November 2007
David Sterritt, 'Six Books about Scorsese', Film Quarterly, Vol. 63, no. 2, 2009
John Thurman
, 'Citizen Bickle, or the Allusive
Taxi Driver
Uses of Intertextuality', Senses of Cinema, Issue 37, 2005
Daniel J. Walkowitz, ‘The Gangs of New York’: the Mean Streets in History', History Workshop Journal, Issue 56, 2003
Teena Webb and Betsy Martens, 'Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore: A Hollywood liberation',
Jump Cut
, no. 7, 1975
Martin Weinreich, 'The urban inferno. On the æsthetics of Martin Scorsese's
Taxi Driver
'The Art of Film Editing', Special Issue of P.O.V: A Danish Journal of Film Studies, edited by Richard Raskin, Number 6 December 1998
(scroll down in PDF)
M.C. Zenner, 'Bringing Out the Dead', Senses of Cinema, Issue 7, 2000
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