Film Studies For Free Contents

Saturday 8 November 2008

The Week's Links

Film Studies For Free was all too easily distracted/mesmerised this week by momentous events, but came across, nonetheless, the following, freely-accessible, online items of note, and offers them up for your delectation, delight, and varied film/moving image education:


  1. Catherine, do you know that many issues of the JOURNAL OF FILM PRESERVATION published by FIAF can be downloaded for free from here?

    There is a great deal of fascinating stuff for all students of film here - not just 'preservationists'! For instance, the interview with Freddy Buache (he of the early '70s Luis Buñuel book and Godard's lovely LETTER TO FREDDY BUACHE short film) is fantastic. And everything gets at least an English-language synopsis if it's not in that language entirely.

  2. Thanks a lot for this, Adrian. I didn't know about this Journal. I'll take a look, update FSFF's journal listing and maybe post something more on it in due course. Thanks again for getting in touch.

  3. This is much belated, but I just wanted to thank you for the kind words about these two texts (and in another entry about my blog). I'm so glad you found the new internet cinema article helpful because it really helped me figure out what I wanted to say about the direction of digital cinema.

    Also, I'm really enjoying this excellent collection of links you've been compiling. This is a great resource for film students.

  4. Chuck, Thanks a lot for the thanks. I'm a big admirer of your academic writing as well as your blogging at The Chutry Experiment - a true inspiration.
